howr y'all doing, i've previously mentioned that i have a compilation coming under archscope, yes it's all been put together, yes there's alright tracks but also mega stinkers, YATH it's coming out on september 5th (the 2nd anniversary of the debut archscope release) but only to youtube and bandcamp and the compilation is titled "kelp meets fire". pretty cool that i have been doing this side project for two years now but shit is it more overwhelming but i'm excited for you guys to hear... well some of these tracks.
on other news about archscope, all year i've been pretty dang on the fence about the up-coming ep, i've been adding and removing tracks from what was actually going to be a whole album, i've already chosen a title which is "truism" and a neat little cover art and i'm going to announce everything else about it as soon as i know i feel content with it all,
here's the cover art for the compilation because i'm genuinely quite proud if it
appreciate you people, latur :)
Awesome! ⊂(•‿•⊂ )*.✧
appreciate ya :)